Shape your brand Identity

Posted on
July 16, 2023

This framework enables businesses to delve deep into their brand essence and create a compelling and consistent brand experience.

Developed by marketing expert Jean-Noël Kapferer, this framework enables businesses to delve deep into their brand essence and create a compelling and consistent brand experience. This article will explore the significance of the Brand Identity Prism, delve into its six dimensions, and highlight its practical applications.

Why is the Brand Identity Prism Used?

The Brand Identity Prism is a widely used framework that offers a comprehensive approach to analyzing and shaping a brand's identity. By leveraging its six dimensions, marketers can achieve the following:

Understand Customer Perception:

The prism allows businesses to gain insights into how consumers perceive and interact with their brand, helping align brand identity with customer expectations.

Create a Consistent Brand Experience:

By exploring each dimension, organizations can ensure consistency across various touchpoints, reinforcing their brand image and fostering customer loyalty.

Develop Emotional Connections:

The prism facilitates the creation of emotional connections with customers, nurturing lasting relationships and fostering brand advocacy.

Differentiate from Competitors:

Through a comprehensive definition of brand identity, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, forging a unique value proposition that resonates with their target audience.

The components of the brand identity prism

The brand identity prism is a powerful framework comprising four essential components that play a pivotal role in defining a brand's image and its connection with its audience. These components work together to create a dynamic and enduring brand identity that resonates with customers.


Externalization conveys the brand's values and personality visually and through communication with the outside world, leaving a lasting impression and building solid connections.


Internalization involves absorbing customer feedback and perceptions to adapt the brand's values and strategies, fostering loyalty and meaningful identity.

Picture of Sender:

The "picture of the sender" represents internal elements like visual presentation, communication style, and organizational culture, creating a distinct and authentic brand identity.

Picture of Receiver:

The "picture of the receiver" symbolizes the customers and their perceptions, guiding the brand to tailor its approach for meaningful connections and resonance with the audience.

The Six Dimensions of the Brand Identity Prism:

1. Physique:

The physique dimension encompasses the tangible, visual elements of a brand. It includes the brand's logo, packaging, colours, and overall design.

Questions to consider include:
- What visual elements represent the brand?
- How do these elements align with the brand's personality and values?
- Does the brand's physical appearance appeal to the target audience?

2. Relationship:

The relationship dimension explores the emotional connection between the brand and its customers. It includes factors such as trust, loyalty, and customer experiences.

Questions to ponder include:
- What emotions and experiences does the brand evoke in customers?
- How does the brand build trust and foster loyalty?
- Does the brand engage in meaningful conversations with customers?

3. Reflection:

Reflection relates to how customers use the brand to express their self-identity. It reflects how customers perceive themselves when they use or associate with a particular brand.

Questions to consider include:
- How does the brand's image align with the target audience's self-image?
- Does the brand resonate with specific customer segments and their aspirations?
- How does the brand enable customers to showcase their values and lifestyle?

4. Personality:

Personality refers to the human characteristics associated with the brand. It encompasses sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness, and more.

Questions to explore include:
- What traits and attributes describe the brand's personality?
- How does the brand express these traits in its messaging and communication?
- Does the brand's personality align with its target customers' aspirations and values?

5. Culture:

Culture represents the values, beliefs, and ideologies that a brand embodies. It reflects the brand's mission, vision, and the larger cultural context in which it operates.

Questions to address include:
- What are the core values and beliefs that guide the brand?
- How does the brand contribute to society or embrace specific cultural aspects?
- Is the brand aligned with the cultural context it operates within?

6. Self-Image:

Self-image represents how a brand sees itself. It includes the brand's internal values, culture, and aspirations.

Questions to explore include:
- What are the brand's core values and aspirations?
- How does the brand's self-image influence its actions and decision-making?
- Does the brand's self-image align with its customers' perceptions?

Example of the Ferrari Brand Identity Prism
Example of Ferrari Brand Identity Prism


The Brand Identity Prism is a valuable framework for businesses seeking to build a robust and consistent brand identity.

By thoroughly examining the six dimensions - physique, personality, culture, relationship, reflection, and self-image - organizations can shape their brand identity to align with customer perceptions, foster emotional connections, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Embracing the power of the Brand Identity Prism unlocks new possibilities and elevates a brand to extraordinary heights in the minds and hearts of its customers.

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